Commute Options recently participated in an E-Bike Safety Assembly at Pacific Crest Middle School in partnership with school administration, Dave Burger, whose son Trenton lost his life in an e-bike crash in 2023, a local trauma surgeon, and local law enforcement. The assembly covered bike safety tips including helmet fitting, yielding to other users on shared-use paths, and how to be a predictable bike rider by using hand signals and riding with the flow of traffic. In addition, Dave Burger shared the story of his son Trenton and a local trauma surgeon, Ben Murphy, shared information about traumatic brain injuries and other possible consequences of riding a bike without a helmet. Bend La Pine Schools included information about e-bikes on campuses in their March newsletter.

(left to right) Bend City Councilor Megan Perkins, Councilor Anthony Broadman, Oregon State Representative Emerson Levy, City of Bend Police Department, David Burger, Trauma Surgeon Ben Murphy and Commute Options’ Brian Potwin and Marika Tammaru
In the future, Commute Options plans to offer similar Bike Safety Assemblies at other Bend La Pine School District schools, as well as schools across central Oregon. In combination with the assemblies, Commute Options hopes to host bike nights, which would bring together students and their families for interactive bike safety. Bike nights create the opportunity for caregivers to learn about bike safety alongside their students, fostering a supportive environment for practicing safe biking habits. Future assemblies and bike nights offer the opportunity to educate students and families around Central Oregon on bike safety and improve the safety of our community.