We had a great time helping out with bike safety at the Environmental Center’s Eco Hero Camp earlier this month. Our Safe Routes to School coordinator, Marika, educated the campers on all things helmet fitting, hand signaling, and tips about safe and smart biking practices. Throughout the camp we had the opportunity to explore Bend with the “Eco Heroes”. Our biking adventures took us to several locations around town, including Locavore, the farmers market, and several river parks. 

One of the highlights was watching the campers gain real-world experience on their bikes, navigating busy streets, crossing intersections, and riding on shared bike roads. They all practiced their biking skills and mastered using hand signals to communicate with drivers. We could see the campers’ confidence grow with each ride as they learned the ways of the road.

In addition to biking, the Eco Heroes got to explore some of Bends public transportation. The campers had the chance to commute throughout town, by walking and using public transit. This experience of using different modes of transportation was an amazing opportunity for the campers to understand the various options available for eco-friendly transportation in Bend.

Overall, the Eco Hero Camp was so much fun. The campers left with new skills about biking safety, sustainable living, and the importance of making environmentally conscious choices in their daily lives. We loved helping out the Environmental Center and look forward to continuing our efforts in promoting safe and sustainable transportation around Bend. Learn more about the environmental center and all the fun activities they host here: https://envirocenter.org/