Highlights…. Key note speaker Jason Pavluchuck will talk about trip reduction ordinances Transportation Options Group of Oregon Annual Meeting Transportation Options Group of Oregon mixer at Seaside Brewing Sessions have been designed for YOU! Here are some things...
Typical crosswalks are designed so that vehicles and pedestrians travel together in the same flow of traffic. For instance, when a walk sign is on for pedestrians traveling North-South, vehicles are allowed to travel North-South as well. People walking and vehicles...
ACT’s International Conference is the premier gathering of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) professionals in North America attracting over 550 attendees from across the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa and Australia. Attendees include individuals from major...
Thank you so much for your patience during our switch from Drive Less Connect to Get There Oregon. As you know, technology changes can have their potholes, and we have experienced a little transition turbulence this last month. That being said, your reward will be...
Free Rides with Ride Bend Ride Bend offers on-demand, app-driven transit service to the public. The free service will be available daily through Labor Day, from noon to 8 pm. Rides can be requested via a mobile app. A call-in number will also be available for...
The third season of the free Ride Bend transportation option will launch in Bend on July 1, with a new twist! Instead of waiting at a bus stop, riders can request rides on demand via the new Ride Bend App (or via phone). Within the defined service area (see map), The...