Commute Options 2022 Year in Review 2022 has been an incredible year – Take a look! Safe Routes To School Walk and Roll to School Day was a huge success this year, tons of families got to experience the joy of walking or rolling to school together. We had 161...
Another International Walk and Roll to School day has come and gone, but we still have huge smiles on our faces! This year we had 4 walking school buses, a bike train, rolling recess and over 160 students from 18 different schools logged their trips on our website. We...
The Get There Challenge this year was a huge success! We had 456 participants from Central and Eastern Oregon and 1,825 participants statewide join this year’s challenge (420 more than last year)! Thank you to all who participated and help make it happen. We...
School routes are everywhere, so drive like it!” That means slowing down, staying alert, and generally driving with extra caution in and around schools and neighborhoods bordering them. Tips for safety Drivers should take care in their own neighborhoods, near...
Commute Options is starting new walking school bus routes at schools throughout Bend La Pine School District. We’re looking for paid leaders and volunteers to help get these routes running and your kids walking! A walking school bus is a group of students walking to...
Now is the best time to bike to your favorite businesses on Newport Avenue! As part of the Newport Corridor Improvement Project, the City of Bend has installed new bike racks at convenient locations along the corridor making biking to your favorite shops,...