Commute Options Blog



Four new vanpools were put into circulation in Central Oregon this last week with pilot programs starting at both Brasada Ranch in Powell Butte and Personalized Nutrients in Sisters. These vans will keep money in employees pockets, reduce congestion and less CO2 in...

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Grant Funding for Walking School Bus Expansion

Grant Funding for Walking School Bus Expansion Our Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Whitney, on KTVZ news talking about the grant funding. Commute Options was recently awarded two grants totaling $100,000 - $50,000 from Oregon Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School...

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Safe Routes to school updates

Safe Routes to school updates

The last few months have been jam packed for Safe Routes to School with Walk and Roll month, bike and pedestrian safety classes and rolling recess opportunities for students! The rain and colder temperatures didn’t deter from the fun, and we’re so happy to send...

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Happy New Year from Commute Options

2021 was another successful year at Commute Options. Central, Eastern and Southern Oregonians of all ages participated in programs and events to make our community healthier, our environment cleaner, and to create a stronger economy. Read about a few of the highlights...

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Travel safely this winter.

Our days are shorter, darker, and colder - but never forget our children are walking and rolling out there! Check out these tips to make sure we all have a safe and happy winter. Vehicle Travel Safety Prepare your vehicle. Ensure that you have installed your winter...

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Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

This past Wednesday (November 17th), Commute Options celebrated Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day with a Park & Walk event at Bear Creek Elementary school. Students and caregivers came to the event, walked to school together, and learned more about Ruby Bridges....

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Meet the Love Bike

Meet the Love Bike

When walking around the Old Mill or Downtown Bend, you might notice a unique bike riding around. This is the Love Bike, founded by Courtney Van Fossan in partnership with the Base. The Love Bike started as a way to help people experience the beauty of Bend by biking,...

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Walk & Roll Month – Results & Winners!

In May, we celebrated the Walk and Roll Challenge. During the challenge, participants bike, walk, skate, and roll to school or work, and log their trips to encourage safe, sustainable ways to get around. Not only does doing this reduce congestion on our streets, lower...

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Ride together

  No matter how you commute, we all share the road. By working together, and knowing to look out for other commuters, we can do a lot to make sure we get to our destinations safely!  Our friends at the Oregon Department of Transportation recently shared some tips...

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