People power is the key! You are this movement. We know that Safe Routes to School for every kid is important, but we have to make a splash in Salem this February through July to gain the support of our leaders. The only way we will do that is by showing how many people across Oregon support Safe Routes to School. Our goal is to get to 3,000 supporters and right now we have 800. Please help by sending two emails to your network or posting messages on social media to help reach families and neighbors across the state.
Coming Soon: Eugene Town Hall Meeting for Safe Routes to School. Where to next? On December 6th, we will be inviting youth, families, elders, and partners to a Safe Routes to School Town Hall Meeting in Eugene. RSVP here! Will you host a For Every Kid community meeting in your town? Please contact if you are in! We will be collecting a list of potential cities and hosts in the coming weeks. These community meetings will be full of fun, food, policy and campaign information, resources, and inspiring ways your community can win funding for Safe Routes to School!