Get There Oregon
Get There Oregon is your secure, easy-to-use online ride-matching tool that matches you with people going your way for work and play. Earn gift cards through Commute Options’ incentive program by logging into Get There Oregon and tracking your trip! Sign up today!
Remember these handy tips:
Enter your complete home and work address information
Use your company email address
Log Telework trips from your home to work address
Contact us if you want more info or need help!
About Commute Options promotes choices that reduce the impacts of driving alone. For more information, contact Aoibhe Richardson.
Is carpooling safe? / is ridematching safe?
- Safety concerns shouldn’t keep people from seriously considering carpools, while these concerns shouldn’t be dismissed, they also shouldn’t stand in the way of saving some money, reducing carbon emissions, and making your commute more relaxing. We recommend communicating by email with a potential carpool partner and once you feel comfortable, meet in a public place for a trial run. You can also check out Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, if they’re public, to get a sense of who you might be spending your commute with.
What is a carpool?
- A carpool is simple. It’s an arrangement between two or more people to make a regular journey in a single car, typically with each person taking turns to drive the others. However, other carpools have just one driver who drives each commute. There are no hard and fast rules – it’s up to the individual circumstances of those in your carpool. A good rule of thumb is to discuss and agree upon the cost-sharing arrangements beforehand. Determine what the driving arrangements will be, if there is an equal split in driving responsibilities, and the cost-sharing arrangements.
Where will the pick-ups be?
- Sometimes the driver will pick up passengers right at their homes; but oftentimes commuters will meet up at a predetermined location, like a “Park and Ride” or another convenient parking lot.
Track your trips
The CommuteTracker app is free and available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for smart phones. Download, login, and start saving today!