Bike Summit 2012
March 2nd through the 6th, Commute Options will be in Washington D.C. with a hefty agenda. A first for Commute Options, we have been invited to present at the National Bike Summit. The Summit is an annual gathering of like minded bicycle and pedestrian advocates across all 50 states.

We will be presenting on the successes and lessons learned through our Bicycle Diversion Program. Bend, Oregon had 32% reduction in bicycle related crashes from 2012 to 2013 and zero bicycle related fatalities for the second year in a row. The topic, Overcoming the Scofflaw Perception: Learn how advocates have partnered with police, courts and others to provide education for cyclists who are ticketed for their scofflaw behavior. These successful partnerships teach people how to ride safely and prevent this behavior from standing in the way of progress. Presenters also include Bike New York and Bike Athens.

While we are in D.C., speaking with our Senators and Representatives will also be a high priority. The current Transportation Bill expires September 30th and asking the House and Senate to support multimodal transportation in the new bill is key.

Three new acts: the Bicycle and Ped Safety Act, Safe Streets Act, and New Opportunities Act could affect Bend directly. These bills coincide with the City of Bend bicycle and pedestrian network plan. Learn more about these bills and then take action by emailing our Oregon Rep. to ask for their support.

Bicycle and Ped Safety Act
What it does:
Creates non-motorized safety performance measures.
Why it matters:
Bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities are on the rise in the United States. Even as overall fatalities (motorized) are dropping.
Ensures states focus on bike/ped safety, but gives them flexibility on how they do it.
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Safe Streets Act
What it does:
Ensures all roadway users are considered in planning, design, and construction of roads.
Why is it good:
Building roads right the first time saves time, money and lives.
Sets guidelines, but gives states flexibility to meet their needs.
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New Opportunities
The New Opportunities for Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Financing Act of 2014
What it does:
Creates long-term low-interest loan program for communities to build biking and walking networks.
Why it matters:
Allows a community to create a transportation network and pay for it over time.
It gives the City the tool create inexpensive and safe transportation options for everyone.
25% of the funding must be spent in low income communities.
Doesn’t add any new costs to the transportation bill, or to the federal budget.
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Source: League of American Bicyclists