Job Title: Project & Administrative Coordinator Rate of Pay: 40 hours/week at $21/hour to start Start Date: May 3, 2020 Benefits: Starting 60 days after hiring – Medical, Dental, Paid Time Off, IRA plan with monthly employer contribution – Options for...
As many of us have settled into our new routines of working from home, it’s important to take note of how we got here. Change is difficult and transitions can be tricky to navigate with colleagues, supervisors, and our families. We’re taking this moment to reflect on...
The Super Commuter of this quarter is our loyal volunteer and Commute Options enthusiast, Benny! Benny chooses to do his daily commute to and from work across Bend via his acoustic bicycle. When asked why he chooses to bike, Benny replied; “I like feeling the...
We had a beautiful Winter Walk to School Day at Ponderosa and Bear Creek Elementary Schools! Students bundled up and braved the snow, practicing safe walking habits, avoiding traffic, and getting some great exercise on their way to school. We love seeing who shows up,...
2024 was an amazing year over at Commute Options. Check out some of our highlights! Oregon Friendly Driver This year Commute Options elevated the Oregon Friendly Driver program across the state as the lead program administrator. We completed the Statewide Strategic...
The Ponderosa Bike Bus began last year, with the simple idea to make the commute to school something that the students and adults have to look forward to. Today, five students ride to Ponderosa elementary every morning as a group of bikers. It’s become a fun filled...
On Thursday, November 14, 2024, we celebrated Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. This Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day brought students, families, and the community together in honor of Ruby Bridges’ courageous role in the fight against racism and her legacy of...
A huge shoutout to everyone who participated in this Fall’s Walk and Roll to School Day! We were so excited to see such fantastic turnouts from schools across Bend. A special thanks to Richard’s Donuts for sweetening the day with all of the donated...
A huge shoutout to everyone who participated in the first-ever Bend Bikes Biking Challenge on Get There! From September 23 to October 6, 2024, our community came together, logging 1,496 walking and biking trips. In total, we covered an impressive 4,660.2 miles, saving...
This year’s Get There Car Free Challenge was an incredible achievement, with 1,017 participants logging a total of 8,160 trips! Together, they covered 60,414.8 miles. Thanks to everyone’s effort, we saved 21.3 tons of carbon emissions and a total of $29,000 on...
In the 2023-2024 school year, Commute Options provided bike and pedestrian safety education to over 2000 students at 7 schools in Central Oregon! Students participated in 5 Walk and Roll School Day events throughout the school year. 324 helmets were distributed to 4th...
We had a great time helping out with bike safety at the Environmental Center’s Eco Hero Camp earlier this month. Our Safe Routes to School coordinator, Marika, educated the campers on all things helmet fitting, hand signaling, and tips about safe and smart biking...