On January 1, 2020, new rules go into effect in Oregon that will allow people riding bicycles to yield at stop signs or flashing red beacons instead of stopping completely, under certain conditions. People riding bicycles must still completely stop at a solid red...
To get the health benefits of walking, try to walk for at least 30 minutes as briskly as you can on most days of the week. ‘Brisk’ means that you can still talk but not sing, and you may be puffing slightly. Moderate activities such as walking pose little health risk...
Thanks to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Oregon established a new dedicated source of funding for improving or expanding public transportation service in Oregon. This new funding source is called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund, or...
We say fare-well to our Kate Armstrong, who will be heading back to school to pursue a degree in nursing. She will be replaced by Rachel Levy, a new Bend transplant, by way of Helena, Montana. She is an avid bike and walk commuter who looks forward to sharing her...
BEND, OREGON – Statewide active transportation nonprofit Commute Options is pleased to announce Brian Potwin as their new Executive Director beginning December 7, 2019. Potwin, who already has over a decade working for Commute Options under his belt, moves into the...
While the weather may be changing, kids are still walking and rolling! At Elk Meadow Elementary school Commute Options taught 1st and 3rd graders how to act when walking near the road and how to use crosswalks safely. If you are driving near schools, remember to slow...
Winter brings a great opportunity to educate young kids about dressing for cold weather. Staying warm on the Walking School Bus takes more planning than just throwing on a coat to get from the front door to the car. Dressing in layers, making sure to wear hats and...
Germany’s FlixBus will partner with the Seattle-based charter company MTR Western to begin offering rides in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Service is set to begin Nov. 21 with round-trip tickets between Seattle and Portland starting at $9.99. In Oregon, buses...
Ileana has been our terrific Walking School Bus Leader at Juniper Elementary since January. We want to thank her for her time and effort. She went above and beyond to make walking to school so much fun for the students. She planned events and took them on special...
Thank you to all 2,279 Get There Challenge participants! Your hard work makes Oregon a great place to live and get around. All across Oregon, we made 40,000 trips, traveled over 35,000 miles, saved 9.95 tons of CO2 emissions, and burned 3.1 million calories. Way to...