Join schools, worksites, and neighborhoods as we walk and roll in the month of May! The Walk and Roll Challenge is a friendly month-long event encouraging more people to walk, bike, and roll throughout the community. New this year is our worksite participation. Get...
Central Oregon is growing and so is our workforce. With big manufacturing and tech facilities coming to our smaller towns like Prineville and Redmond, more workers commute longer distances each day. Even now many employees of the construction companies building these...
Here is the best kept secret about exercise–We don’t care how you do it. As long as your heart rate gets elevated 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Read more about Klamath Falls “Bike, Walk, or Run to work” day on Friday, May 17 (click to page...
The Walking School Bus is heading to Madras! Program Coordinator, Kersey Marion, along with the support of Mayor Richard Ladeby, met with Principal Chris Wyland of Madras Elementary. We will be working with the school staff to design a walking route and recruit and...
Join Commute Options at the Bend Bike Swap April 26-28 at Thump Coffee in Northwest Crossing! New this year, a commission structure to reward non-profits who supply volunteers (that’s you!) The Bend Endurance Academy will continue the tradition of offering an...
Name: Maria Remillard Occupation: Walking School Bus Leader and AmeriCorps volunteer at East Bend Boys and Girls Club Age: 22 Town where you live: Bend, OR What is your typical “super commuter” mode of transportation? I’m a Walking School Bus Leader for Bear Creek...
Join The Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee neighbors, planners, and friends of walking and biking at the Central Oregon Bike and Pedestrian Summit on May 22 in Bend. “Connecting Communities” will take place from 9am-2pm at the...
It is my pleasure to share our 2018 Annual Report with you! Commute Options envisions communities where people make thoughtful transportation choices to reduce the impact of driving alone. These decisions result in healthier...
It’s been said that walking is the superfood of activity – it’s free, you can do it nearly anywhere, and it’s a great way to incorporate physical activity into your day. Health professionals also recognize that creating walkable cities creates healthy people. But can...
On Thursday February 21 from 5-7pm, join Commute Options, the Downtown Bend, Oregon association, and the City of Bend, Oregon Government for a Q and A discussion of downtown parking improvements, followed by a one hour Oregon Friendly Driver game! Learn tips on how to...