In the 2023-2024 school year, Commute Options provided bike and pedestrian safety education to over 2000 students at 7 schools in Central Oregon! Students participated in 5 Walk and Roll School Day events throughout the school year. 324 helmets were distributed to 4th and 5th grade students throughout Central Oregon. Commute Options participated in 1 Bike Night and 2 Bike safety assemblies.
We appreciate the support of our volunteers, community partners, school and staff for helping us achieve this success with our Safe Routes to School Education.
As we begin getting ready for this upcoming school year our Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Marika is busy preparing for an action packed session. Marika has spent much of this summer scheduling and coordinating safe routes to school education at 10 different schools across central oregon! She has been making sure our bikes, helmets, and other equipment are ready to go, this includes tuning up our whole fleet of bikes. We are getting excited for our first walk and roll to school day that will be October 9th!