We are changing up how we celebrate those in our community who go above and beyond while commuting!
Each quarter, we will award the Super Commuter reward to a person who is biking, walking, carpooling, or getting to and from work or school in an innovative way. Super Commuters win prizes such as a Cascades East Transit goodie bag, a shopping tote, sunglasses, blinky lights, hand sanitizer, masks or an engraved Hydroflask, and are featured in our blog.
Do you know a Super Commuter? Let us know by sending an email to info@commuteoptions.org
We are happy to award our Super Commuter of the Quarter prize to Bryant Vette at Deschutes County. Bryant has logged over 14,569 miles on Get There, saving over $8,000 over two years and keeping 5.9 tons of CO2 out of the air!
Bryant started riding his bike to and from work to incorporate exercise into his daily routine – finding it nicer to bike than to go to the gym. He says it also saved him a lot of time in traffic jams, improving his mood before and after work, and lowering stress.
“I think my favorite part is being out in the early morning at various times during the year, and enjoying either the darkness or sunrises and seeing the day start”, said Bryant.
He encourages others to try different ways of commuting to work. He recommends starting small. “I did one day a week for a while, then added another and then another until it was five days a week.”
Bryant also says to make sure your commute is enjoyable, so it doesn’t become too tedious, and to always have front and rear flashing lights.
Thank you, Bryant, for talking with us and for being a Super Commuter!
Become a Super Commuter like Bryant and start logging trips using Get There. Track your rides to work or school, and get stats on how much money you save, CO2 you reduce, and calories you burn – all while earning great prizes. Sign up today!