
What is Vanpool?
Why choose vanpool?
- Benefit provided to employees
- Helps with retention and recruitment of employees from farther away
- More space in the parking lot
- Reliable arrival and departure time
- Improve sustainability metrics of the company
Benefits to the employee:
- An affordable ride
- A safe, relaxed, reliable commute
- Less wear and tear on your vehicle
Benefits to the community:
- Reduced traffic congestion and parking needs
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
- The money saved on sharing your ride may be spent locally

What do you need to start a vanpool with Commute Options?
1) The vanpool needs to either start OR finish in one of our partnering counties (Hood River, Malheur, Jefferson, Crook or Deschutes).
2) 4 or more employees who have a similar commute and shift.
If you check these two boxes – contact us! We can help get the ball rolling and coordinate the next steps!
What about needing to get home early due to an emergency?
Where do I park my car during the day?
How is a vanpool paid for?
Vanpools are paid for Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds and employees or employers. The subsidy covered varies between counties.
What is the duration of the lease agreement?
What is the subsidy in Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook county?
In these counties, Cascade East Transit subsidizes $525/month for each vanpool. The employer or employees will cover the remaining costs including gas. On average, this covers about 1/3 of the vanpool costs. Vanpools range in costs depending on vehicle type and miles traveled. For more information feel free to contact us.
If I sign up as a volunteer driver do I have to drive everyday?
If I sign up, do I have to ride everyday?
What about gas?
Gas is charged to a card provided by Commute with Enterprise and is included on the invoice to the employer at the end of the month. The employer can choose to cover that cost, or divide it between the riders.
What is the subsidy in Malheur county?
Malheur Council on Aging and Community Service covers $1000 monthly for each van. Employers or employees will cover the remaining costs including gas.